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Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine At Gago Wellness!

Gago Wellness is up and running right next door to Gago Fertility, and Krissy Clark, MSTOM, Dipl. OM has joined the team offering acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to create a completely integrated and holistic experience for Gago Fertility patients. Using acupuncture alongside your cycles can improve blood flow and reduce anxiety, thereby increasing success! She also offers pre/post IVF treatments on site as well for your convenience as is taking appointments throughout the week.

To contact her you can email, or call (773) 354-7457.

Stay tuned to the Wellness website, where we will post various blogs/information pertaining to wellness and overall tips for health.

Please Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to receive $200 off a Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture face lift, neck lift or tummy toning!

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